The Mistress, by PA Stockwell

Jake really wanted to pick out the sequel to this book, which had an image of people walking through the desert on its cover. But, after talking to the author, …

Olivetti, by Allie Millington

Jake picked this book because of the typewriter on the cover. Turns out, he has always wanted to type on a typewriter, and this book inspired him to go and …

Fairy Tale, by Stephen King

You may remember from a previous episode that Jake does not read Stephen King. But, he read this book!! Go Jake. This story follows a teen, Charlie, who inherits a …

The Berry Pickers, by Amanda Peters

The Berry Pickers, by Amanda Peters, is a fiction novel featuring the voices of Joe, an indigenous person of Nova Scotia who lost his four-year-old sister, Ruthie, in the berry …

The Way of Shadows, by Brent Weeks

Jake found this book calling to him by the cover in a different bookstore than he normally shops at. The cover spoke of ninjas, shadows and swords, and offered dark, …

The Dawnhounds, by Sascha Stronach

Jake picked this book, which he describes is about a lesbian cop in a futuristic high-tech city with mushroom houses that is very anti-gay and not welcoming to our main …